Rue Hydraulique 15, Brussels
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a pan-European organisation which was founded in Copenhagen in 1990 with the support and encouragement of the European Commission. Today, the 364 Local Sections of the network operate in 34 countries. They provide practical assistance
to incoming students by means of a mentoring system, and help in finding accommodation, organising social events and providing information and brochures to local sections. They also provide information and guidance to fellow students wishing to participate in different exchange programmes. This peer group assistance provided by ESN has not only practical value but reinforces the community of understanding which the Erasmus programme seeks to foster.
At European level, the Erasmus Student Network is developing projects to support and contribute to the enhancement of student mobility in higher education. ESN is a recognised and valuable partner of the European Commission as it actively participates in consultations and meetings in the field of Education and Training and specifically in the field of HE learning mobility.
Erasmus Student Network has its main office in Brussels - this is where the International Board has its seat. The Board is elected once a year at the Annual General Meeting of ESN, the general assembly.
The International Board represents ESN towards the external stakeholders, keeps the network connected, coordinates the international projects as well as stands for the rights of exchange students. The International Board consists of 5 people, President, Vice President, Treasurer, External Relations and Web Projects Administrator - each responsible for its own field of work.
If you have ideas or comments for the International Board, feel free to contact us!